Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Waiting for Summer

Ciao, darlings!

I took a long walk tonight. Don't worry, my neighborhood is relatively safe... I won't get kidnapped (hopefully). The weather was extraordinary!!! It's barely spring but it felt like a true summer night. The air was balmy and the wind was whipping pretty fast, as there's a big storm front on the horizon. I could see the moon glowing and a few bright stars speckled around it. The weather made me want to run! I can't run currently, due to a temporary medical concern, but it was pretty hard not to break into a jog just to feel the amazing wind more fully. I could see storm clouds in the distance and the lightning inside them! It was crazy to see such a tempestuous scene only a few miles away and at the same time be locked inside a stolen summer moment, dreaming about what lies ahead of me next season. God's creation is truly stunning. I had to tell Him on my walk how grateful I was for the beauty He has created for me to enjoy. I think we get a little too wrapped up in our technology sometimes to see what's going on around us, but if we would just look up there are some amazing views waiting. The power of the incoming storm was a reminder of God's own power, which far surpasses any earthly occurrence.

A friend sent me a photo of a small lightning strike and I wanted to include it, and I took a picture myself of  the clear sky where I was, just to contrast.

The intense lightning!
The peaceful sky above my house. I wish I could stay out all night. Maybe I will when it's summer and  I'll sleep outside and just walk around some, and enjoy the humid breezes. After all, there really isn't any night like a summer night.

What's your favorite season?

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