Monday, April 13, 2015

As Iron Sharpens Iron

Ciao, darlings!

Over the past weekend I had a little get- together with the girls in my youth group and our leaders. Our little gang has always had some crazy dynamics- several of us like to take charge and we all have our own special style, which makes for some seriously fun and interesting times. We always have fun together and we ALWAYS end up laughing over even the silliest things. The special thing about my group of friends at church is that we can talk about literally anything with each other. We talk about movies, boys, school, the usual.... But what makes it different is that we can also talk about serious things. I can always rely on these girls and our small group leader Melissa. If I have big questions they can help answer them with Bible verses to back up what they're saying. If one of us is having a difficult time, we share each other's burdens, and we pray for each other. I trust these girls with almost every aspect of my life because I know they love me as their sister in Christ, and I love them too. It's a kind of relationship with them I've never had before. It's unique and amazing and it's blessed by God. They are the people I am closest to. These girls are friends like I've never had before and I know that we will always be friends forever and sisters in Christ.
Just being around them inspires me. It's a perfect example of Proverbs 27:17-"As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend."
It's so vital to have genuine and uplifting friends who will lead you deeper in your walk with God!
We played a lot of twister. I was the designated spinner which meant I could take pictures of my friends while they were tied up like pretzels!

Some players had it easier than others... 

The board was completely full here!!! And there's Lily, the cat...

My friend A. was completely shocked when Lola the dog decided to join us as we ate pizza and ice cream for dinner. 

I love having such supportive and godly friends!!!

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